Pilihlah jawaban yang paling tepat di antara A, B, C, D dengan menghitamkan ( O ) pada kolom lembar jawab yang tersedia!

1.  The notice can be found aboard the plane

What does the notice mean?
A.          In case of emergency you can get the life vest under your seat.
B.          There is a life vest under your seat.
C.          If you like the vest you can take it under your seat.
D.         You have to wear the life vest any time

Read the text to answer question 2
Jakarta, 20th December 2012
Dear Raka,
Congratulations on your success in the chess competition
I am very proud of you

Your best friend,

2.     Nida is very pleased with Raka because he has……
A.          joined
B.          done
C.          succeed
D.         won

Read the text to answer question 3 and 4
From : 081150282490
Just to inform you that the meeting will be cancelled for tomorrow Saturday, December 22 ’012 at 09 a.m. as the manager will be arrive from Jakarta tonight.


3.    From the text we know that …….
A.      the sender can not attend the meeting
B.      the manager  was away when the message was sent.
C.      the sender was in Jakarta when he sent the message.
D.     the manager will wait for the meeting that day.
4.   The short message is written to ….
A.      tell what had happened in the meeting
B.      say that the manager won’t come to the meeting.
C.      inform that the sender has just arrived from Jakarta.
D.     inform the cancellation of a meeting

Read the text to answer question 5 - 8
42 Third Street,
Frankston,vic. 3199
8 December, 2012
Dear Jane,

I’ve just returned from my holiday in North Queensland and found your letter waiting  for me. You certainly have been having a wild time  since you moved  to New South Wales, with a break-in, a fire at school and making new friends. You didn’t say what caused the fire and how much damage was done.
We had great weather on our trip up north. Dad drove us up in easy stages, stopping overnight on the way. The beaches were crowded with holiday-makers but we really enjoyed swimming and surfing each day.
Our class seems quite different now that you and Tracy have gone (no one left to stir). I’ve had a letter from Tracy, too. She seems to be setting in quite well, although she hasn’t had the exciting time you have had and hasn’t made any real friends yet.
I’m glad you’re getting on OK with your new teachers .I’m really looking forward to hearing what  happens next. Give my regards to your brother.
Your friend,

5.  What is the main idea of paragraph 2 ?
A.      We had great weather on our trip up north.
B.      Dad drove us up in easy stages.
C.      The beaches were crowded with holiday-makers.
D.     We really enjoyed swimming and wind-surfing.
6.  What is the main idea of paragraph 3 ?
A.      Our class seems quite different now.
B.      I’ve had a letter from Tracy too.
C.      She seems to be setting in quite well.
D.     She hasn’t had the exciting time
7.   Who crowded the beaches?
A.      Jane and her teachers.
B.      Ros and her classmates.
C.      Tracy and her friends.
D.     The holiday – makers.

8.   …. and how much damage was done (paragraph 1, line 3). The underline word has same meaning…
A.      deprave
B.      lost
C.      go out
D.     profit

Read the text to answer question 9 – 11
Lesson Schedule of 9 Ulwan MTsN Brebes
Flag ceremony
Social studies
Physical Ed
Social studies
Physical Ed

Art and culture
Ed of Religion

Art and culture
Ed of Religion


9.  What days does  9 Ulwan have Biology?
A.        Monday,  Wednesday, and Saturday
B.        Wednesday and Saturday
C.        Thursday and Saturday
D.        Monday and Wednesday

10.              Which is not true based on the tabel above?
A.        The students of 9 Ulwan study  Indonesian at Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.
B.        The students of 9 Ulwan study Civics only at Saturday.
C.         The students of 9 Ulwan study both Physics and Physical Education at Friday.
D.        The students of 9 Ulwan study have four lessons at Monday.
11.              What does the text tell us about?
A.        Duty Roster
B.        Laboratory activities
C.        Schedule of Teaching and Learning Activities
D.        Timetable
Read the text to answer question 12 - 14
The waters of the earth move continuously from the oceans, to the air, to the land and back to the oceans again. The sun’s heat evaporates water from the oceans. The water rises as invisible vapor and falls back to the earth as rain, snow or some other form of moisture is called precipitation. Most precipitation drops back directly into the oceans. The remainder falls on the rest of the earth. In time, this water also return to the sea and the cycle starts again. This unending circulation of the earth’s waters is called the water cycle or hydrologic cycle. Because of nature’s water cycle, there is as much water on the earth today as there ever was – or ever will be. Water changes only from one from to another and moves from one the plane

12.  What is the text about ?
A.      The oceans.
B.      The sun’s heat.
C.      The water cycle.
D.     The invisible vapor.

13.  What is the form of water when it rises to the air ?
A.      Ice
B.      Rain
C.      Snow
D.     Vapor
14.   … and the cycle starts again. The antonym of underworld is …..
A.      return
B.      begins
C.      moves
D.     ends

Last summer we spent our summer holidays in Cornwall. One morning, while our parents were shopping, my sister Lucy and I went to the beach. We were playing volley ball when suddenly I saw a shark’s fin in the water. A shark was swimming in the sea near the beach !
We immediately ran across the beach to the coastguard’s hut. “Don’t worry,” he said, “they aren’t dangerous man- eating sharks.” But Lucy was terrified. She didn’t want to swim in the sea again.
Read the text to answer question 15 - 17

15.   What is the text about
A.      The writer’s summer holidays.
B.      The coastguard’s hut
C.      Playing volleyball.
D.     Terrified Lucy
16.  What did the writer do in beach ?
A.      Shopped
B.      Played volleyball.
C.      Caught the sharks.
D.     Helped the coastguard.

17.  “Don’t worry,” he said, …..
The underlined word refers to ….
A.      the writer’s parent.
B.      the coastguard
C.      Lucy’s brother
D.     Cornwall
Read the text to answer question 18 - 20
How To Operate A Fan
1.       Plug the power cord into a wall outlet (AC 120volt)
2.       To make the fan move side away, push the poin on top of the motor
3.       to move the fan upright and down left, first, pull up the oscillating pin,then press the tilt adjustment knob
4.       To alter the speed of the fan, press one of the switches at the bottom

18.   How do we power the fan ?
A.      By adjusting the knob
B.      By pressing the switches
C.      By pulling up the oscillating pin
D.     By plugging power cord into a wall outlet…
19.  To make the fan move sideways, push the oscillating pin. The underlined word means…
A.      fix
B.      press
C.      turn
D.     switch
20.  We can change the speed of the fan by …
A.      pushing the oscillating pin
B.      pulling up the oscillating pin
C.      pressing the tilt adjustment knob
D.     pressing one of the switches at the bottom
 Read the text to answer question 21 - 25
Once there were two thin goats. Both of them were hungry. They were tied together with a brown rope. They wanted to eat the green leaves from two separated bushes. One bush on left. The other bush was on the right.
The goats thought they could do everything on their own. The first goat wanted to go to the bush on left, but the second goat wanted to go to right. However, the rope was short. They tried and tried but they could not reach the bushes. They were sad.
Then, the goats decicied to work together. Fisrt, they ate the leaves of the bush on the right. Then, they ate the leaves on the left. They leaves were delicious. They were happy.

21.   The goal of the text is …
A.      to describe an animal
B.      to entertain the readers
C.      to show how to do something
D.     to tell a true story
22.  How many characters were there in the text ? There were … characters.
A.      two
B.      three
C.      four
D.     five
23.  What was the story about ? It was about …
A.      the brown rope
B.      the bushes
C.      the garden leaves
D.     the two thin goats

24.  The leaves were delicious. The underlined word means…
A.      tasty
B.      fresh
C.      wither
D.     bitter
25.  We can learn from the story that …
A.      working together will give us many advantages in our life
B.      no compromise our life
C.      never work together to others.
D.     fight is important
Read the text to answer question 26 – 28


26.  What does the advertisement talk about ?
A.      Big, luxurious and glamour hotels.
B.      A silent, peaceful and clean cottages.
C.      Entertainment center in Bali.
D.     A very simple inn in Bali.
27.  How to the service like there ?
A.      Moderate
B.      Simple
C.      Extremely
D.     Friendly and charm
28.  Where is it located in Bali ?
A.      In Kuta
B.      In 751 059
C.      In the garden
D.     Near glitz hotels
Read the text to answer question 29 - 31

F Fried rice                            F Ice cream
F Fried Chicken                     F Orange juice
F Uduk rice                            F Coffee
F Sundanese salad                 F Wvocado juice
F Fried eggs                           F Mango juice
F Scrambled eggs                  F Guava juice

29.  What does the text tell you?
A.      Shopping list
B.      Beverage list
C.      List of menu
D.     List of food

30.  What food are in the menu ?
A.      Chinese
B.      Indonesian
C.      European
D.     Japanese
31.  How many kinds of drink are in the text ?
A.      Four
B.      Five
C.      Six
D.     Seven
For no  32 – 34 complete the text below with the suitable words!
One day, a young wanderer ... (32) lost in a wood. Suddenly he saw a light from an old hut and found an old woman who was .... (33). She said that the devil had stolen her magic candle. The candle could ...(34) anything she asked.

32.  A. found                
B. felt                   
C. came    
D. got
33.   A. singing            
B. laughing
C. sleeping           
D. Crying
34.   A. grant               
B. make    
C. wish      
E. share
For no  35 – 36 rearrange the jumble sentences into a good paragraph
(1)   We went there buy bus.
(2)   Lembang was the first destination.
(3)   There were two places we visited.
(4)   Then we had some shopping at Cihampelas.
(5)   Last week we went to Bandung for a picnic.

A.      5 – 3 – 4 – 2 – 1
B.      5 – 2 – 4 – 1 – 3
C.      5 – 1 – 3 – 2 – 4
D.     5 – 4 – 2 – 1 – 3

(1)   Goannas are yellowish-brown in color and grow to about a metre in length.
(2)   To bread, the female goanna lays about six eggs in a termite mount.
(3)   Goannas are larger Australian lizard which belong to the reptile family.
(4)   They live in burrows and eat insect, lizards, mice, eggs, and flesh of dead animals

A.      3 – 2 – 4 – 1
B.      3 – 4 – 2 – 1
C.      3 – 1 – 4 – 2 
D.     3 – 4 – 1 – 2 

(1)   He takes care of cats and other small animals.
(2)   He is a person who has studied to be a doctor off animals.
(3)   Some times, he takes care of larger animals such as horses and cows.
(4)   Mr. Jordan, my neighbour, is a veterinarian.
(5)   Many pet owners use his services to help them take care of their pets.
(6)   He take care of animals helath.

A.      2–6–1–4–3
B.      6-1-4-5-3-2
C.      4-2-6-1-5-3
D.     1-3-4-6-5-2
(1)   I hope it isn’t serious.
(2)   Thank’s alot.
(3)   The doctor said she had to stay in the hospital for further examination.
(4)   Would you tell anton about it.
(5)   I took her to the hospital yesterday.
(6)   I won’t be able to join the gathering party tonight because of my mom’s sickness.

A.      6-5-1-4-3-2
B.      6-5-3-1-4-2
C.      3-4-1-6-5-2
D.     3-5-2-6-4-1

For numbers  39 – 41  choose the suitable word to fill in the blanks.
Spa & Message
Business & Convention Hotel

Came and get the fresher
The comfortable & the difference

Limited space avaiable, please ... (39) in advance, dial extension 1117.
Treatment can be ... (40) at the privacy of your room or our spa room from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m ... (41) order for spa treatment 11 p.m.

Giri Loka Spa & Message
Pandanaran hotel Semarang
Jl. Pandanaran no. 58
Semarang, Jawa Tengah – Indonesia
Telp. 62-24-8452952 (Hunting)
Fax. 62-24-8452956


39.   A. order   
B. offer     
C. reserve 
D. prepare

40.   A. done                
B. gone     
C. given    
D. taken
41.  A. First                  
B. Last                  
C. Next     
D. further
For numbers  42 – 44  choose the suitable word to fill in the blanks.

The out Bound Activity for grade VII students will be .. (42) on 19 june 2009. The objects that will be visited are Ronggowarsito Moseum, BMG, Marina Beach, Puri Maerokoco, and Central Java Great Mosque. The ... (43) is Rp. 25.000,- for each students. Those who wants to join in, please ... (44) to your class representative soon. The regristation will be clossed on 10 June 2009

Mr. Ghazin.


42.   A. hold         
B. held          
C. holds        
D. holding
43.   A. cost         
B. fare          
C. price         
D. contribution
44.  A. register    
B. to register
C. registered
D. registration

For numbers  45 – 46  choose the suitable word to fill in the blanks.
For colds and flu          CONTAINS PARACETAMOL

Dosage Instruction               : ... (45) the bottle before removing cap. Replace cap securely after use
Adult and children over 12  : Fill measure cup to 20 ml mark (for ml sponfuls) and ... (46) every 4 hours as required up to maximum of four doses in eny 24 hours.
Children 6-12                       : Fill measure cup to 10 ml mark (two ml sponfuls) and give every 4 hours as required up to maximum of four doses in eny 24 hours
Children under 6                  : Only as directed by a doctor.


45.   A. stir           
B. open         
C. whisk        
D. shake
46.  A. do             
B. place        
C. bring        
D. repeat

For numbers  47 – 50, arrange the words into a good sentence.
47.  intoarehouseour movinginvited toyoucordiallynewa
1          2          3              4                    5              6            7            8      9
A.      7-4-5-6-2-8-9-1-3
B.      6-2-7-5-4-1-9-8-3
C.      4-1-3-8-9-6-2-7-5
D.     5-1-9-7-6-2-8-3-4
48.  littleupyourpleaseatschoolbrotherpick
  1        2        3          4          5        6            7            8   
A.      4-3-1-7-8-2-5-6
B.      4-3-7-8-2-1-5-6
C.      4-8-3-1-2-7-5-6
D.     4-8-3-1-7-2-5-6
49.  socks – shoes – she – bought – sport – and – of – a pair
A.      She shoes bought socks and sport of a pair.
B.      She bought shoes a pair of shocks and sport.
C.      She bought a pair of sport shoes and socks.
D.     She bought sport and socks a pair of shoes.
50.  are – there – every – Sunday – only – cars – a few – morning – Jl. Thamrin – on – only
A.      There are on Jl. Thamrin a few cars every Sunday morning only.
B.      On Jl. Thamrin only a few cars every Sunday morning there are.
C.      A few cars only every Sunday morning there are on Jl. Thamrin.
D.     There are only a few cars on Jl. Thamrin every Sunday morning.


  1. A
  2. C
  3. B
  4. D
  5. A
  6. A
  7. D
  8. A
  9. C
  10. A
  11. C
  12. C
  13. D
  14. D
  15. A
  16. B
  17. B
  18. D
  19. B
  20. D
  21. B
  22. A
  23. D
  24. A
  25. A

  1. B
  2. D
  3. A
  4. C
  5. B
  6. C
  7. D
  8. D
  9. A
  10. C
  11. C
  12. C
  13. B
  14. A
  15. C
  16. B
  17. B
  18. D
  19. A
  20. D
  21. D
  22. B
  23. D
  24. C
  25. D


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